Heavenly Radicals
A prophetic company devoted to the pursuit of God’s heart.
Heavenly Radicals is a prophetic company…
God’s intention for all His children is that we live by direct revelation: the prophetic hearing and obeying God’s word through the Holy Spirit, who is God and lives in our hearts. The All-powerful, All-knowing, Creator God has made our hearts His home. He longs for a deep and intimate relationship with us. As we journey into this relationship, which has been made possible by the incarnate life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and the outpouring of the Mighty Holy Spirit into our hearts, God makes His heart known to us and empowers us to do His will.
Jesus is our Lord, Savior, exalted King, intimate Friend, and example of how we are to live (1John 4:17). Jesus said, “… the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does” (John 5:19). This is because Jesus willingly chose to live a life of surrendered obedience to the Father, in everything.
Heavenly Radicals are people willing to learn and grow and become more like Jesus every day. This is God’s will for our lives. Heavenly Radicals want to live in complete surrendered obedience, like Jesus, where we only do what we see the Father doing and only say what we see the Father saying, so our lives bring great glory to God as we fulfill the purposes in His heart. This is our worship.

Heavenly Citizens of God’s supernatural kingdom…
We are citizens of God’s kingdom. Having been born again, through the work of Christ Jesus on the cross and by the Holy Spirit, we have become God’s peculiar people, otherworldly, in the sense that we now belong to God’s spiritual kingdom. We are God’s “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that we may declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light” (1Pet 2:9). “Our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil 3:20), and just as Christ was raised from the dead, so God raised us with Christ “and seated us with Him in heavenly places” (Eph 2:6). With this revelation–that we have been raised with Christ and are seated with Him–we are commanded, “set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Col 3:1-2).
Heavenly radicals live from this position: we are seated with Christ, fixed and held firmly in Him, and empowered to do His will in the earth.
More of Heaven
As Heavenly Radicals, we live with our hearts and minds set on things above, on Heaven, on pursuing God’s heart and seeking His will. Our lives bring great glory and honor to God when we learn to live fully dependent upon the Holy Spirit and with a quick willingness to do all He asks.
In Heaven, God’s will is fully done. When we set our hearts and minds on Heaven, we begin to understand and live Heaven’s values. Heaven’s values transform our lives, and the byproduct is that Heaven’s values are then expressed through our lives.
Jesus said to pray, Father, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven” (Matt 6:10). As heavenly radicals, we spend our lives making earth look like heaven. We “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,” knowing that as we do, all our earthly needs will also be given to us (Matt 6:33). Some through miraculous provision. Some through our growth because as we grow, we learn to honor and steward everything God has given us, and because He sees we can be trusted, He gives us more to grow into.

What is a Prophetic Company?
A community of prophets who live by and intentionally train and equip others in the receiving, interpreting, and application of divine revelation.
The New Testament Church is a community of prophets who live by every word that continually proceeds from the mouth of the Father. The Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of Prophecy,” and He has been poured into the hearts of all believers. God is generous and lavishly gives Himself to us in relationship. He wants to make His heart known to us. He wants to reveal great mysteries and give us extraordinary wisdom and wise strategies for every area of life and ministry.
As we journey deeper into God’s heart, we find the gifts of the Spirit flow in/through us naturally. The Holy Spirit resides in us and wants to teach us how to flow with Him. He wants to teach us how to walk in the Spirit every day, to live Spirit-led and Spirit-empowered lives.
Jesus encouraged us to ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, as we eagerly seek to know Him and live by divine revelation. Paul said we should eagerly pursue the gifts and live empowered by the Holy Spirit every day. “Eager,” “pursue,” “ask,” and “seek” are words commonly used in scripture; they communicate our response to God’s giving: we should seek Him with every means possible, with unbridled, joy-filled enthusiasm, knowing our Heavenly Father is our VERY GOOD Father who delights to make Himself known.
(Isa 11:1-3, 45:3; Matt 4:4, 7:7-8, 13:11; Luke 11:9-10; John 14:26; Acts 2:17-18; 1 Cor 14:1; Gal 5:16; Eph 1:17; 3:9-10; Col 1:26; 1 John 2:27; Rev 19:10)
From the Old to the New Testament:
In the Old Testament, the NIV uses “company of the prophets” ten times. “Company” is the Hebrew word ben, meaning “son,” as in “son of the prophets.” Ben includes sons belonging to a guild, a class, or a prophetic order. Ben designates a mentorship or apprentice kind of relationship. Ben explains a son’s maturing and succession into his father’s calling. Ben is from banah, which means to build, construct, fashion, fortify, rebuild, restore, and to be surely built – as in, to be surely built upon a firm foundation.
The first time “company of the prophets” appears in the Bible is in 1 Kings 20:35-43, and it is used in the context of one of the prophets giving a prophetic word from God to Ahab, the king of Israel: “By the word of the Lord one of the company of the prophets said….” The other nine times are in Elisha’s ministry in 2 Kings and reveal that various towns and cities had their own company of prophets. “Company of the prophets” is also understood as “school of the prophets.”
1 Samuel 10:1-11 describes Samuel anointing Saul with oil, then instructing him to go to Gibea to look for a procession of prophets. Samuel told Saul he would find them coming down from a high place where they would have spent time worshipping with musical instruments. Samuel said to Saul, as you join them, “the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person” (1Sam 10:7). Later in chapter 19, we see Samuel again with a group of prophets.
In the Old Testament, Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha had schools or companies of prophets (1 King 18:4, 13; 19:18). They were intentionally training people in the prophetic. Even before these three men, during Moses’ leadership, seventy elders in Israel received the Holy Spirit and prophesied. When questioned about who should prophesy, Moses groaned as if praying, “I wish that all God’s people were prophets…” (Num 11:29). In the OT, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of prophets. How much more for us today, since we are under a new and better covenant (Heb 8:6, 12:24). We are new creations in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, who is the “Spirit of Prophecy” and who has been poured out upon all people, just as God promised: “I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions” (Joel 2:28).
ALL CAN PROPHESY! A prophetic company trains and equips believers to live by divine-prophetic revelation.

What is prophecy?
Prophecy is God communicating to a person by revelation. We call it “divine revelation” because it comes from God. Prophecy is supernatural communication or information given to us by the Holy Spirit, information that we have no other means of knowing apart from God revealing it to us. Prophesy is not something we can learn from traditions, formulas, or teachings. Nor is it information gained through reading books and applying ourselves to learning. Prophecy has no human origin; it is supernaturally given to us by the Holy Spirit. Faith is required to access it.
Prophetic revelation comes in many forms. Here are some of God’s methods of communication:
1. A voice: you might hear an internal voice in your heart/mind or an audible voice.
2. Pictures, visions, dreams, and spiritual seeing. “Seeing” can be in the heart/mind. Your eyes may be closed or open. You may see a still picture, a few pictures, or a moving picture like a movie. You may see into the supernatural realm because the Holy Spirit has pulled the veil back and enabled you to see into this realm with your natural eyes—this may include seeing a lot of angels, demons, and general spiritual activity.
3. Knowing. Like a sudden and strong conviction of something, you confidently know something. You may feel this knowing deep in the gut area. Older translations call this an “unction.” This may come with a sudden burst of words as the Spirit gives utterance.
4. An ecstatic experience. Trances, open visions with strong emotions, extreme joy, being overwhelmed by the presence and power of God, being “moved” in spirit—as if your insides have been nudged, jolted, or shaken, and this is often to get your attention so you will listen. Religiously motivated people trip over this one the most because it comes with demonstrable physical manifestations, yet our Bible is full of these experiences. Those who criticize these will find they have been arguing with God; they have not believed His Word.

What is Revelation?
The Greek word ἀποκάλυψις (apokalupsis) is where we get our English word revelation. It means to reveal, uncover, or unveil and is especially used in the context of God making Himself and His will known. There are three kinds of revelation.
General revelation: All of Creation displays God’s glory. God causes the sun to shine and rivers to flow. The ocean is alive with the life He has created. Mountains and valleys catch our breath. The beautiful smell of a newborn baby makes our heart skip a beat; many beats. The animal kingdom is as diverse and beautiful as the plant kingdom. Who can deny there is an Intelligent Creator? Not even the hardest atheist can deny love is a real force that changes everything it touches. Love is a Person! And He is reaching for us every single day.
Scripture explains general revelation: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 91:1-4). “The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations” (Psalm 98:2)
Special revelation is the inscripturated Word of God, otherwise known as the Bible or Scripture. The Word of God is absolute, inerrant, unchanging truth. The Word of God was written under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God used human instruments to record His Word for us. God’s Word is alive and active and powerful (Heb 4:12). In God’s Word, He provided us with His plan for humanity, His covenantal history, instructions for living, many precious promises, and many prophetic declarations. Many of these prophetic declarations have already been fulfilled, many have multiple fulfillments, and many are yet to be fulfilled.
Scripture explains special revelation: “I gave them my decrees and made known to them my laws, by which the person who obeys them will live” (Ezekiel 20:11). “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2Tim 3:16).
Specific revelation is direct and personal revelation. Specific revelation includes all revelation that is given directly to the believer. God delights to make Himself experientially known to us, just as Jesus promised: “The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them” (John 14:21b). Specific revelation is given to instruct our hearts, encourage us, build us up, and give direction and strategy for every situation in life. It includes the revelation gifts Paul lists is 1Corinthians 12:7-10. It is called “specific” revelation because it is specific to a person or group of people, situation, or a particular moment in time.
The book of Acts is full of examples of believers receiving and acting upon specific revelation. Examples: 1) The Holy Spirit revealed to Peter a couple in the community of believers had lied to him (Acts 5:1-5); 2) An angel spoke directions to Philip, and then the Holy Spirit spoke more directions for a ministry opportunity. This is prophetic revelation working with discernment. Philip knew the difference between the angel and the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26-30); 3) A disciple named Ananais is given specific instructions from the Holy Spirit, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying” (Acts 9:11); 4) a prophet named Agabus, “through the Spirit predicted a severe famine” and so preparations were made in advance to save many people (Acts 11:28). The book of Acts is our example. We are to live by prophetic revelation the same way Peter, Paul, and John did. Their lives are our examples of loving service to the Lord Jesus!
How to join Heavenly Radicals:
The Heavenly Radicals prophetic company is hosted on Tribe Jesus. Tribe Jesus is a multi-use platform that hosts a social network, a prayer network, preacher school classes, and our prophetic company. One feature is social sharing. You can share anything important to you: photos, videos, inspired thoughts, words of encouragement, prayer and scripture, news articles, and world events. You can interact with other people as they share what they love too.
Tribe Jesus costs $22 for a yearly subscription.
Heavenly Radicals is FREE to members of Tribe Jesus.
Tribe Jesus has a web version for computers and a downloadable app version that works across all devices. Both are user-friendly.
To join, create an account on the web version: www.tribejesus.com
You will need an email and password. You will be directed to the payment method and then given the link for the downloadable app. We do not allow in-app purchases/payments on Apple devices. Payments are made through the web version only.
In the app, you can personalize notifications and control what you receive from Tribe or anyone in the network. You can follow people, events, and groups within the network. You can private message people and create groups. We provide free books, church history nuggets, theological topics, and more.
Relational Covenant
We have a relational covenant. If you want to join this company, we ask you to commit to this covenant. This is an honorary covenant, a promise you make before God. We ask that you make this covenant because it is part of the maturing process for every believer.
- Heavenly Radicals spend a minimum of 30 minutes in prayer every day. Minimum. Prayer is communion with God. Time spent with the Creator of the Universe is the best use of our time. Time spent with Him is how we get to know His heart, mind, and will.
- Heavenly Radicals have a deep love for truth and will pursue it, even though it is costly. By no means does this negate the need for great love and grace, but without truth, our love and grace are nothing but sloppy, compromised, and powerless to affect any real and lasting change in the earth.
- Heavenly Radicals love and feast of the Word of God! The Word of God is ultimate, unchanging, inerrant, and eternal TRUTH!. A Heavenly Radical will develop the good habit of feeding upon the Word of God every day, realizing it is even more important than physical food is to our daily sustenance.
- Heavenly Radicals love people. Jesus said we would be known by our love (John 13:35). Paul said that without love, we are nothing but chaotic noisemakers (1Cor 13:1). Love is actionable and is seen in our laid down life of service to others.
- Heavenly Radicals are committed to a local church family. In the family, we are known and accountable to our brothers and sisters. Any believer who is not committed to a local church family is someone who is unstable and not fit for service/ministry to the family of God… so how much more for people who want to learn and grow as part of a company of prophets.
- Heavenly Radicals live transparent, open, and honest lives in their church families and in their cities. Regardless of the size of our prophetic gifting, we will not have a godly ministry that is fruitful if we operate without a high level of trust and personal accountability. Trust is like the currency of relationships. A life that is transparent, open and honest is one that builds trust with others. And when we live with a high level of personal accountability, God will start to trust us! Conversely, secrecy, isolation, and an unwillingness to be honest or known should be something that is questioned. The gift of prophecy (1Cor 12:10) is given for the common good, to serve and build up the body of Christ. The person who is an ascension (leader) Prophet (Eph 4:11) is a SERVANT, before he or she is anything, someone who has lovingly-laid down their life in the service of others on behalf of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Radicals Team

Romey Ritter
Devoted to Jesus from a very young age, Romey is madly in love with Jesus and grateful to Him for every day. She is married to Clayton, God’s great gift to her, and they have three beautiful kids, Liam, Jai and Bella. Romey and Clayton are co-founders and senior leaders of Seashore Church, based in Virginia Beach, VA.

Dave Shultz
David Shultz is a 26-year veteran of the United States Navy and a pastor at Seashore Church in Virginia Beach, where he and his wife, Jenna, raise their family. David is focused on equipping saints in government and military to live in their kingdom inheritance.

Sami Montella
Sami Montella is a pastor with Seashore Church who operates in the prophetic gifting. Sami is married to Brent, who is also a pastor at Seashore Church. Sami has three young adult children and two grandchildren. Her heart is for the reformation and restoration of hearts, families, and systems. She longs to see people fully healed, fully restored, and walking in true identity as sons and daughters of God. Sami lives in Virginia Beach, VA.

Kim Sansalone
Kim spent many years on the mission field in Africa, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She lived daily dependent upon revelation from the Holy Spirit for basic needs and survial. Currently, Kim works in education, trainging young people in academics and their spiritual identity. Kim is married to Sam. They reside in Virginia Beach, and Kim serves on Seashore Church’s apostolic team.